Friday, January 3, 2014

Anatomy scan!

In the rush of trying to post all my backed-up weekly bump updates, I completely forgot about this little gem.

Presenting Baby Alexander at 20 weeks at his anatomy scan!

The dark spot in the middle of his torso is his heart and we got to hear it beating away.  This is by far the most intense of all the ultrasounds.  They take the time to measure every little thing and ensure that all the organs look good -- four chamber heart, length of femur, size of kidneys -- everything.   The great news is that everything looks good!  He weighed 13 oz and was measuring right on track.  

I did find out that I have an anterior placenta (that's the grey blob thing the baby is facing in the picture), but it is fairly common and just means that the placenta is in the front of my stomach instead of in the back toward my back.  

My mom and dad were in town and got to come to the ultrasound with me.  My dad was amazed at the technology.  They can get such a clear shot and such accurate measurements of every little thing.   

My mom was in tears just seeing him in the ultrasound -- I can't imagine what she will be like when he actually arrives :) 


  1. so sweet jess! im so happy for you

  2. Aww, Denise, I cried a little too at the ultrasound. Thanks so much, Ines!
