August 8 was the big day. I remember those minutes (felt like hours) waiting for the test line to dry like it was yesterday.
There were signs I should have noticed, but somehow I missed them, even when I was looking for signs. August 4-6, AJ and I went to Vegas to celebrate him being done with taking the California bar. (Boo Cali bar, yay! Vegas)
At breakfast, there was hot sauce on our table and I could not stand the smell. Like, it couldn't even be on our table, he had to move it to another table. Then I had a mini (AJ would say not so mini) meltdown one day. All out of the ordinary for me, but I didn't pay mind to it. I guess I was just looking for the typical symptoms like nausea.
Anyways, back to August 8. I couldn't sleep at all. When I finally gave in to the fact I wasn't getting any more sleep, I thought, "hey, I'll just take a test, it's probably too early to know for sure, but I have a few lying around." So at around 5am, I snuck out of bed and went to the bathroom. Peed on the stick. Wait, wait, wait. Only anyone who has ever taken a test knows how long those 3 mins are, all the things that run through your mind, the emotions you go through.
Umm, what is that?? Just enough of a second line to drive me bat shit crazy and not be able to concentrate at work, that's what that is. But everyone says with these sensitive tests, if you see a line within the time limit, you're pregnant, even a faint one. So, I ran into the bedroom to show AJ, who was dead asleep and not too happy about being woken up to see a "kinda" line.
Me: AJ!! DO YOU SEE THIS?! Is it a line?? I think it's a line!
Him: (grumble, grumble) kinda, I dunno, maybe. I'm going back to sleep. (He really likes his sleep)
So I tried to go about my normal day at work (good luck with that) and then caved and just ran to the CVS to get another test. I was prepared to pee on sticks all day until I got a more definite conclusion. Oh and yeah, taking a pregnancy test the bathroom at the law firm where you wok is every bit as awkward as it sounds... drum roll...
That was enough of a line for me to call it. I'm pregnant!! We're going to have a baby!! Now how am I ever going to get any work done today??
AJ said he wouldn't believe it until he saw it written on a digital, even though I knew I was. But there's nothing like seeing those little words, so...
We were in a state of shock for a while. Again, I had all those cute little plans of how to tell your husband and your close family and, in the end, I've learned I'm a blurt-it-all-out kinda gal. I cannot keep a surprise a secret for more than about 39 minutes.
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