Happy Halloween!!
How far along: 15 weeks
Baby is the size of a(n): apple
Gender: still don't know, but I think we'll be finding out sooner than our 20 week ultrasound. It's starting to drive me crazy.
Weight gain: 2 lbs total
Maternity clothes: YES! and why did I wait so long. For some reason I had this goal of 16 weeks. Well, my friend and co-worker was kind enough to loan me a butt-load of maternity clothes (thanks, Megan!) and I "tried them on" and never looked back. They are so much more comfy. I don't know if I'll ever wear buttons again.
Stretch marks: nope, but I'm lathering on some stretch mark oil that I love.
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: great
Best moment this week: Halloween! I love halloween, especially now that we live in a neighborhood with kids. We watched Rocky Horror Picture Show, Hocus Pocus and handed out candy.
Worst moment this week: can't think of any.
Miss anything: not this week
Movement: Nope
Cravings: Nope
Symptoms: I know i had some, but I forget...
Looking forward to: Possibly getting to know what the baby is soon...
Layla gave me some great advice to get seasonal items (like holiday outfits) for the year ahead as soon as they go on clearance. I snatched up some adorable Halloween outfits from Carters. I can't wait to put Baby D in them. AJ says we don't need anymore because Halloween is only one day, but I foresee Baby in orange and black all month long!
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