Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bump Update-- Week 20...the one where we reach the Halfway Point!

Wooahh, we're halfway ther-err (cue Bon Jovi song)...but seriously, we're HALFWAY THERE!! crazy! 
How far along: 20 weeks (Dec. 1, 2013) 
Baby is the size of a(n): banana  
Gender: boy!    
Weight gain: holding steady at 4-5 lbs (but 3 according to doctor's office, woo hoo!)  
Maternity clothes: mostly.  The style of clothes these days makes it easier to find cute, nonmaternity clothes that still fit well (see above).  I am easily into maternity pants, but maternity shirts are too big.      
Stretch marks: nope.  I'm still really digging my Earth Mama stretch mark oil  
Belly button in or out: in, but it's definitely stretching wider...
Sleep: still tossing and turning, but this Snoogle Total Body pillow that I borrowed from Megan seems to help me to at least fall asleep on my side.  
Best moment this week: the whole week!  My parents visited from Louisiana and got to come to my 20 week ultrasound with me.  We ate a delicious Thanksgiving meal and went on a day trip to Point Reyes.      
Worst moment this week: going all the way to Point Reyes and not getting to indulge in any raw oysters 
Miss anything: food that is off limits 
Movement: YES!! Finally!  I learned at my 20 week ultrasound that I have an anterior placenta, which means that the placenta is toward to the front of my belly instead of in the back where they more commonly are. This means that it's harder to feel Baby D's kicks since the placenta has been sort of a pillow or cushion in the front there.  So that explains why I haven't been feeling Baby D all along.  Despite this, the day after the 20 week ultrasound, I felt a nice strong kick!  
Cravings: nope!  Satiated my boudin craving thanks to Mom and Dad bringing some from home.  
Symptoms: rib pain - ouch!  Also, I've started waking up super early in the morning.  I was waking up pretty early already (7am) and now it seems like I'm waking up closer to 6am on my own.    
Looking forward to: nothing, just enjoying the time with my parents  

Here I am at the Stanford v. Notre Dame game.  Last home Stanford Game.  The next time we go to a home game, we'll have a baby! 

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