Monday, December 30, 2013

Bump Update- Week 24...the one where it's actually Christmas

So, my last post said Christmas was during my 23rd week, but I lied. It was actually during this past week, my 24th week. But who's counting, right?? And can't I blame any absentmindedness on pregnancy brain anyways? 

Anyways, here's the update! 
How far along: 24 weeks (Dec. 29, 2013)
Baby is the size of a(n): ear of corn (or a cantaloupe, depending on what website you use)  I like cantaloupe better 
Gender: Boy
Weight gain: 13 lbs total 
Maternity clothes: yep, but still wearing non-maternity dresses   
Stretch marks: I think I may have spotted a small one this week, but not where you would think.  I wasn't joking when I said half of my weight has gone to the girls :) 
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: must have my maternity pillow and still consists of a lot of tossing and turning 
Best moment this week: AJ felt some pretty strong kicks while we were watching football. I think baby Alexander likes to kick during football games :)     
Worst moment this week: realizing how much childbirth/newborn/breast feeding/ infant CPR classes would cost. YouTube covers this stuff right?? 
Miss anything: sleeping on my back 
Movement: yep and a lot. His kicks are getting noticeably stronger.  He'll sometimes kick me awake at about 5:30am.  
Cravings: homemade rice Krispy treats! Came out of nowhere and I may have eaten a tray by myself 
Symptoms: rib pain still
Looking forward to: New Year's Eve with friends and ringing in 2014!  No more saying that he'll be here "next year" -- eek! 

I'm also pretty happy that I went to prenatal yoga, the gym AND on 2 runs this week. It wasn't far(about 1.5-2 miles) but I never thought I'd still be running at 5.5 months pregnant

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bump Update -- Week 23...the one where it's Christmas!

How far along: 23 weeks (Dec. 24, 2013) 
Baby is the size of a(n): grapefruit  
Gender: boy!    
Weight gain: um...13 lbs! I gained 5 lbs when I was home and that's 10 since the last appointment!!  The OB was a little shocked at that and told me to just not have another month like that.  I'm still on track overall.   
Maternity clothes: mostly.  The above is not maternity, though, just some pajama pants I stole from Layla in the 10th grade and a loose Stanford T-shirt.        
Stretch marks: nope.   
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: good  
Best moment this week: Our hike on Christmas day (see below)      
Worst moment this week: finding out I gained 10 lbs in 5 weeks!  
Miss anything: food that is off limits 
Movement: yep, feeling a lot now.  Mostly in the afternoons and early mornings.  He wakes me up kicking a lot at about 5:30am, but all I want to do is stay in bed and feel him kick around.  It's such a great feeling.   
Cravings: none.  
Symptoms: rib pain - ouch!     
Looking forward to: this Christmas, spending a quiet day alone with AJ made me really happy that we got to have this time, but also really looking forward to next Christmas when Baby Alexander will be here with us.   

On Christmas Day, AJ and I went on a nice hike to Indian Rock in North Berkeley, which (on a clearer day) has amazing views of the City, the Bay and the Golden Gate Bride.  We're hoping to make this a tradition.  

Our Christmas Eve Picture.  Merry Christmas from the Duggans!!

Bump Update -- Week 22... the one where my sister gets married!!

(my aunt Lena and I at Denise's wedding)

How far along: 22 weeks (Dec. 14, 2013) 
Baby is the size of a(n): papaya  
Gender: boy!    
Weight gain: Not sure.  Haven't weighed myself in two weeks and I'm afraid to know after this week... 
Maternity clothes: mostly.        
Stretch marks: nope.  
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: still tossing and turning  
Best moment this week: watching my little sister get married :)       
Worst moment this week: having to sit in the middle seat on our flight back.  Not fun when you have to pee way more than usual... 
Miss anything: being able to stay up and party with everyone.  I'm such a party pooper now!  
Movement: he actually gave me a scare because he was eerily quiet the whole time I was home.  I was really looking forward to my mom being able to feel him kick, but I barely felt him.  I think it was because I was on the go more than usual and he tends to start moving when I'm sitting still.    
Symptoms: rib pain...the boob pain finally seems to be going away    
Looking forward to: nothing, just enjoying the time at home

We clean up well :)  Isn't AJ just handsome in a suit? I hope Baby Alexander gets his dad's good looks.  

Bump Update-- Week 20...the one where we reach the Halfway Point!

Wooahh, we're halfway ther-err (cue Bon Jovi song)...but seriously, we're HALFWAY THERE!! crazy! 
How far along: 20 weeks (Dec. 1, 2013) 
Baby is the size of a(n): banana  
Gender: boy!    
Weight gain: holding steady at 4-5 lbs (but 3 according to doctor's office, woo hoo!)  
Maternity clothes: mostly.  The style of clothes these days makes it easier to find cute, nonmaternity clothes that still fit well (see above).  I am easily into maternity pants, but maternity shirts are too big.      
Stretch marks: nope.  I'm still really digging my Earth Mama stretch mark oil  
Belly button in or out: in, but it's definitely stretching wider...
Sleep: still tossing and turning, but this Snoogle Total Body pillow that I borrowed from Megan seems to help me to at least fall asleep on my side.  
Best moment this week: the whole week!  My parents visited from Louisiana and got to come to my 20 week ultrasound with me.  We ate a delicious Thanksgiving meal and went on a day trip to Point Reyes.      
Worst moment this week: going all the way to Point Reyes and not getting to indulge in any raw oysters 
Miss anything: food that is off limits 
Movement: YES!! Finally!  I learned at my 20 week ultrasound that I have an anterior placenta, which means that the placenta is toward to the front of my belly instead of in the back where they more commonly are. This means that it's harder to feel Baby D's kicks since the placenta has been sort of a pillow or cushion in the front there.  So that explains why I haven't been feeling Baby D all along.  Despite this, the day after the 20 week ultrasound, I felt a nice strong kick!  
Cravings: nope!  Satiated my boudin craving thanks to Mom and Dad bringing some from home.  
Symptoms: rib pain - ouch!  Also, I've started waking up super early in the morning.  I was waking up pretty early already (7am) and now it seems like I'm waking up closer to 6am on my own.    
Looking forward to: nothing, just enjoying the time with my parents  

Here I am at the Stanford v. Notre Dame game.  Last home Stanford Game.  The next time we go to a home game, we'll have a baby! 

Bump Update -- Week 19...the one where I look down and see a belly!

How far along: 19 weeks 
Baby is the size of a(n): heirloom tomato
Gender: boy  
Weight gain: 6 lbs total 
Maternity clothes: yes! I tried to wear some non-maternity pants to work on this day and it was a bad choice!    
Stretch marks: nope, but I'm being religious with my earth mamma stretch mark oil. 
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: tossing and turning- I despise sleeping on my side   
Best moment this week: Buying some cute little guy clothes       
Worst moment this week: can't think of any.   
Miss anything: looking at cute little girl clothes...out bank account will be happy about that though 
Movement: maybe thought I felt a flutter, but I'm not sure...nothing definite yet
Cravings: Boudin  
Symptoms: horrible rib pain on my left side when I eat
Looking forward to: My parents coming for thanksgiving 

Bump Update -- Week 18...the one where we know Baby D is a he!

How far along: 18 weeks 
Baby is the size of a(n): bell pepper  
Gender: boy!    
Weight gain: 5 lbs total 
Maternity clothes: yes, but still fitting into non-maternity dresses like this one.    
Stretch marks: nope.  
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: great  
Best moment this week: seeing baby D on the ultrasound and finding out that he is a boy!       
Worst moment this week: can't think of any.   
Miss anything: sushi 
Movement: maybe thought I felt a flutter, but I'm not sure...nothing definite yet
Cravings: Boudin! 
Symptoms: still with the horrible boob pains 
Looking forward to: Buying a ton of adorable boy clothes and picking out the nursery theme  

Baby Duggan is a.....


The old wives tales were 4 for boy, 4 for girl.  

 The votes were in and more people were thinking boy.  I had a hunch early on that it was a girl and I think I had convinced AJ of the same. 

Some great friends of ours (Ashley, Brooke and Monique) were sweet enough to offer to throw us an impromptu gender reveal.  It turned out just perfect and was way more fun that just opening the little envelope from the ultrasound place.

Ashley and Brooke came to pick up the sealed envelope (which AJ had to hide from me) on the morning of the reveal and then they set to work planning how they would surprise is and our family and friends on Skype.

They put balloons in a huge box which was wrapped up and then we opened the box in front of all our family and friends. I actually closed my eyes when we were opening it and didn't even realize it! Haha.  I was pretty surprised to see blue, but ecstatic.  AJ said "I win!" So I guess we see what he was hoping for ;) 

I now understand what people mean when they say they would be happy with either. I had convinced myself (because of the higher heart rate and because everyone else I know was having boys) that we were having a little girl. Then, one day I pictured AJ with a cute little son and thought of that bond that dads have with their sons and really wanted a boy first. Then I'd see all the cute girls clothes and want a girl. So I guess the flip-flopping means that I would have truly been happy either way.  

Plus, they do make some adorable baby clothes for boys now.  Look at this adorable little outfit from Ashley and Brooke! Baby's first cardi :) 

Here's the potty shot! 

AJ has always been against the 3d/4d ultrasounds-- he says they creep him out. Haha. I admit, they do look a little alien-like and the idea of "seeing" your baby in utero is a little weird.  Anyways, I was all for it and we agreed that I could get an elective one if he didn't have to come, so my friend Sara came along with me.  The ultrasound tech said she was 175% sure of the gender! And she said he has long legs.  That's now the second time we hear that... Uh oh...
The delicious cake Monique made us! It's blue!
Baby's first wing-tip shoes.  He'll be such a dapper little guy, just like his daddy.
That is baby D's foot in this pic! His foot!! His legs were straight up by his face.
He's saying no more pics...

Friday, December 27, 2013

Bump Update -- Week 17...the one where I'm really starting to get a bump!

How far along: 17 weeks 
Baby is the size of a(n): turnip 
Gender: We'll know this week!! EEK!   
Weight gain: 4 lbs total 
Maternity clothes: I still fit into my work dresses, but I had a sad moment when I packed away most of my pencil skirts and tighter shirts and jeans.  I'm in love with yoga pants and leggings, though.   
Stretch marks: nope, but I'm lathering on some stretch mark oil that I love.  
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: great  
Best moment this week: Going to the doctor and hearing that Baby D is looking great.  Although, it was being a stubborn aries and did NOT let the OB see what it is. On to the 4D place I guess.  I'm dying to know what it is.       
Worst moment this week: can't think of any.   
Miss anything: not this week
Movement: maybe thought I felt a flutter, but I'm not sure...nothing definite yet
Cravings: Nope   
Symptoms: tired again.  Insomnia -- it's the worst!
Looking forward to: Finding out what Baby D is this week! 

Bump Update -- Week 16

How far along: 16 weeks 
Baby is the size of a(n): avocado 
Gender: still don't know, but I convinced AJ that if I the OB can't see at our next appointment, I'll get an elective ultrasound to find out at around 17-18 weeks.  I can't believe we might know what this little bean is so soon!   
Weight gain: 3 lbs total 
Maternity clothes: love them! 
Stretch marks: nope, but I'm lathering on some stretch mark oil that I love.  
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: eh, starting to get to the point where I can't sleep on my back and I'm not a side sleeper AT ALL.  So I toss and turn all night.  
Best moment this week: i forget     
Worst moment this week: i forget this too...    
Miss anything: not this week
Movement: Nope
Cravings: Nope   
Symptoms: I know i had some, but I forget...
Looking forward to: Possibly getting to know what the baby is soon...

Bump Update -- Week 15...the one featuring maternity pants (why did I wait this long?!)

Happy Halloween!!
How far along: 15 weeks 
Baby is the size of a(n): apple  
Gender: still don't know, but I think we'll be finding out sooner than our 20 week ultrasound.  It's starting to drive me crazy.  
Weight gain: 2 lbs total 
Maternity clothes: YES!  and why did I wait so long.  For some reason I had this goal of 16 weeks.  Well, my friend and co-worker was kind enough to loan me a butt-load of maternity clothes (thanks, Megan!) and I "tried them on" and never looked back.  They are so much more comfy.  I don't know if I'll ever wear buttons again. 
Stretch marks: nope, but I'm lathering on some stretch mark oil that I love.  
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: great  
Best moment this week: Halloween!  I love halloween, especially now that we live in a neighborhood with kids.  We watched Rocky Horror Picture Show, Hocus Pocus and handed out candy.     
Worst moment this week: can't think of any.   
Miss anything: not this week
Movement: Nope
Cravings: Nope   
Symptoms: I know i had some, but I forget...
Looking forward to: Possibly getting to know what the baby is soon...

Layla gave me some great advice to get seasonal items (like holiday outfits) for the year ahead as soon as they go on clearance.  I snatched up some adorable Halloween outfits from Carters.  I can't wait to put Baby D in them.  AJ says we don't need anymore because Halloween is only one day, but I foresee Baby in orange and black all month long! 

Bump Update -- Week 14... the one where I wore my last pair of non-maternity pants

How far along: 14 weeks (Oct. 20) 
Baby is the size of a: lemon 
Gender: still don't know 
Weight gain: Still 0
Maternity clothes: not yet, but pants are starting to fit way too snug. Actually, this is the last picture I have of myself in non-maternity pants. 
Stretch marks: better not come for a while! 
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: great  
Best moment this week: Stanford Homecoming!  I got to tell all the great guys and gals in this pic that Baby Duggan will be coming next year!   
Worst moment this week: can't think of any.   
Miss anything: my pants fitting  
Movement: Nope
Cravings: Nope   
Symptoms: cramping, boob pain 
Looking forward to: Halloween!  I have a cute shirt in mind...

Bump Update-- Week 12...the one where I don't even have a picture of my bump

I'm really slacking at the whole bump thing.  But, here's a picture of AJ and I at the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival in Golden Gate Park on an unusually hot day in San Francisco.  We told his co-workers there and it was a great afternoon. 
How far along: 12 weeks 
Baby is the size of a: lime 
Gender: still don't know 
Weight gain: Still 0
Maternity clothes: not yet, but pants are starting to fit snug
Stretch marks: better not come for a while! 
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: great  
Best moment this week: Telling AJ's co-workers.  I'm so happy we don't have to keep this a secret any longer   
Worst moment this week: can't think of any.   
Miss anything: 21st amendment Watermelon Beer at music festivals 
Movement: Nope
Cravings: Nope   
Queasy or sick: not anymore
Looking forward to: Denise's Bachelorette party AND we get to see the baby next week!

Bump Update-- Week 13... the one that is the last of the first trimester!

How far along: 13 weeks 
Baby is the size of a: lemon
Gender: still don't know.  
Weight gain: Still 0
Maternity clothes: not yet, but I'm using a hair tie to button my pants at this point
Stretch marks: better not come for a while! 
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: great.  Not having to pee during the night as much  
Best moment this week: Telling my friends and family the good news in person.   
Worst moment this week: getting a boob attack on the flight that made me have to awkwardly take off my bra in the center seat.    
Miss anything: New Orleans Daiquiris
Movement: Nope
Cravings: nope    
Queasy or sick: not any more
Looking forward to: My sister's Bachelorette party! 

This week was my sister's bach party in New Orleans and it was a blast.  Baby D got to go to his 3rd concert to see Passion Pit.  It was an awesome concert.  Then, I got to hang out with Layla, Lindsey and Jo and meet baby Jett for the first time and tell the in person.  I went visit my papa to tell him in person too and despite having like 60-something great grandkids, he was still excited :) 

We also got Baby's first onesie!  Isn't it awesome?  I got it from FleurtyGirl on Magazine St in New Orleans.  I love it.

Did I mention that Baby has been doing these weird alien-like things and bulging in one spot of my stomach?  So. Weird.  Also, last time I wore a bikini in public.

Week 13 Ultrasound -- the one where it actually looks like a baby and not a gummi bear!

On September 13, 2013, we had our 13 week ultrasound.  We elected to have the screening tests done (comprised of 2 blood tests and a nuchal translucency ultrasound) which detects baby's risks for genetic issues such as down syndrome and trisomony 13   This was the ultrasound part of it.

Look at it, just chillin' with it's legs all up on my uterus.  

The tech did note that baby was measuring 4 days ahead and had long legs -- those definitely don't come from me!

the most important part is that all of the tests came back negative and Baby D is looking as healthy as can be.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Bump Update -- Week 11... the only one where I used my chalkboard I was so excited about

I tried people, I really did.  But alas, this is the only week my creative skills were put to use on my chalkboard even though I pinned about 3,352 ideas for my pregnancy chalkboard weekly updates on pinterest.  I actually did make a chalkboard for week 12, but was feeling too sick to actually take the picture.

How far along: 11 weeks 
Gender: still don't know, still thinking a girl. 
Weight gain: Still 0
Maternity clothes: Nope!  
Stretch marks: no 
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: great  
Best moment this week: Going to SoCal to visit Erica and Ty for our 1 year anniversary and going to Disneyland! Baby's first trip to Disney and first swim in the ocean.  I swam with a seal! 
Worst moment this week: having a kid puke on me at Disneyland.    
Miss anything: going on the really fun rides at Disneyland. 
Movement: Nope
Cravings: None.  And the food aversions seem to be getting much more tolerable (thank god, says AJ)     
Queasy or sick: I spoke to soon when I said they were going away...
Looking forward to: nothing, living in the  moment and soaking up the southern California sunshine and good company. 

AJ and I got to wear little "Our Anniversary" Pins and everyone told us Happy Anniversary.  It was super cute.  

I went swimming in the ocean!  It's not often that I'll brave the cold and waves, but it was so refreshing and really nice. Until a seal showed up and all I could think of was Buster on Arrested Development (see below).  

Bump Update -- Week 10

How far along: 10 weeks 
Gender: still don't know, but we're thinking girl 
Weight gain: Still 0
Maternity clothes: not yet, but pants are starting to fit snug
Stretch marks: better not come for a while! 
Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: besides having to get up to pee at least once a night, sleeping pretty great.  
Best moment this week: Stanford Football!  
Worst moment this week: getting really sick after the Stanford football game.  Boob attacks (my name for the 10-20 minutes of sharp pain I seem to get daily) every single day.   
Miss anything: my waistline
Movement: Nope
Cravings: I had a random craving for Mr. Kahn's Mongolian BBQ.  Like crazy instense craving that made me stop my work and see when I can get it.  I searched it and there are NONE in SF or the East Bay.  The closest one is in San Jose.  Boooo!    
Queasy or sick: yes and yes.  Bloat seems to be here to stay and pants are starting to fit a little snug...
Looking forward to: Disneyland and visiting Erica and Ty next week!